Had a great breakfast at Bagels and Beans in the middle of Waterloosplein which appears to host a daily flee market. Our next stop was the Amsterdam Museum. A good interactive museum learning all about the history of Amsterdam - responsible for the birth of liberalism, the stock market, expanding trade, canal systems - to name a few. And of course, it contained their own art exhibitions as well.
More walking up back streets. Came across the plague stating that this is where the City Wall which Rembrandt based the Nightwatch painting on. Proceeded towards the harbor. We were searching for the West India House where our author Russell Shorto worked when we spotted this crazy vehicle with men on stationary bikes, pedaling and drinking beer. This city is nuts. Eventually found the house but no Russell Shorto. Next up was on the other side of the harbor - the Tower of Tears. Here is where all the women came to wave goodbye to their men going to sea. Our luck it is now a cafe and we were hungry. Enjoyed a leisure lunch on the terrace overlooking the canal.
Since we were so close to our barge we decided to walk down and check it out. No problem finding the boat and we investigated taking the side streets back to avoid the crowds. This will be better tomorrow dragging the bags.
Back at the apartment, we all chilled until dinner time. G & I changed and then walked up to Andrew's room. Finally, we were back on the streets going to meet the rest of our barge. Took a while to find the restaurant. It was great finally getting to meet everyone. None stop chatter. After dinner, it was back on the street heading toward Dam Sq. Most of the folks are staying down there- way crazy area. Andrew left the gang and headed toward the Arcade - the rest split off and went home. Roz, me and Geoff went further into the Red Light district -this place was jammed. Roz and I decided to try a little of the "cafe" culture before heading back. Talked and giggled - back to Dam Sq. where we left Roz and jumped on a tram.
Tried to pack a few times - it was tough to get organized after the "cafe". Something I am not used to. At midnight, it was time to call it a night. Great day looking forward to tomorrow.
This might be the last post for a while. Not sure if the barge has wifi. If not, I will keep writing and post when we get to Edinburgh.
Next time... The Lena Maria
Rembrandt, that's cool! sounds like you guys are having a great time! Tali and Ilana say hi. Tali is walking very well these days. Love, Liam