OMG!! What a day. 5 boroughs, 5 bridges. No rain, no bumps, no bruises, no falls, no crashes, no flat tires, just pure biking and lots of fun! All the advice and research paid off. We really did everything right. Check out the photo album on the left for more pictures. Geoff did a great job snapping pix as we went.
We beat the 5am alarm by 10 minutes, gathered our stuff and headed to the ferry. Since we were in the last start group (back of the pack), taking a 6am ferry was particularly early but it paid off. They hold you back and eventually you make your way up to the official start line. We were up front in our group, so not really in the throngs of thousands. Lots of coffee, facilities, and good conversation. Weather was a bit cool and some clouds. Hanging around until 8 was no problem. Geoff and I jumped the gun a little and got stopped a bit further up the road. Fortunately for us, we were stopped by the 9/11 site which we wanted to see anyway.
Our silver group finally made it up to the start and there was a big hoopla with Dominic (the old uncle) from the Sopranos singing the Star Spangled Banner. At exactly 9:15 we were off. On the advice of a friend, we stuck to far left close to the sidewalk so as not to be jammed up in the middle. That trick worked like a charm all day long.
Made it up to and through Central Park without a hitch. We were able to make up some time and eventually caught up to the second (red) group. After the park it was up and over the Madison Avenue Bridge to the Bronx. Through the Bronx for a minute and a half to the 3rd Avenue Bridge back to Manhattan. A straight shot down the FDR to the Queensboro 59th St. Bridge into Queens. Headed up to Astoria Park for refreshments and a bit of a break. The sun came out but
We were headed for another rest area, when we were stopped due to traffic crossing. I looked to my right and there was Front St. Pizza! Why not? Ordered a couple of slices, got a table, used the bathroom - very civilized. Much better than the hordes at the Tour Rest Area. And yet another excuse to have NY Pizza - although I think we have had our fill at this point.
Hopped back on the bikes and made our way to the BQE (Brooklyn Queens Expressway) to the Verazzano Bridge. Of course, it was really windy now. We passed several accidents and lots of people walking, but we kept to the plan and stayed on the left and just kept moving. Made it down to the finish line at 1:45pm. By this time, we had put on about 42 miles. There was still another 6 or 7 more to go to get back to our room. We were in no hurry so we puttered around the grounds and took in all the festivities. Collected lots of free hand outs, got a massage, and took advantage of a free photo op from TD Bank.
Left the festival and biked up to the scenic overlook by the bridge. Just a great spot. Talked with some more folks up there and then headed for home. We had to make our way around the back streets to avoid the huge line waiting to get back on the ferry. Staying in Staten Island was the perfect thing to do. Pulled up to the house at 4:30 and clocked 49 miles!
Speaking of this house - it is an old Victorian and kind of reminds us of the Amityville Horror house on the outside and American Horror Story on the inside. If you are familiar with that show then you will know what we are talking about. It is a bit bizarre and we have only seen one other person, although all the rooms are booked. Oh well, it has served our purpose quite nicely and the price was right.
Tonight we are going down the road to a waterfront restaurant near the Snug Harbor Historical Park, which is across the street. Tomorrow we might take a side trip to Ellis and Liberty Islands on the way home. We will see how we feel when we get up.
Thanks for your well wishes. It worked. We are happy and safe.
Next time.... Lady Liberty
Great weekend wasn't it? I got to the expo, saw the line and decided to go to Chinatown for lunch. I also got to be in a movie. It was and anti politic one. Go figure.