Friday, May 30, 2014

Going to London

Quick breakfast, said our goodbyes to Darren and we were off to the train station. Arrived in plenty of time to wait for over an hour for our train. We are now aboard a hobbled train that is slowly making it's way to London. Mechanical difficulties among other things has caused this train to run at reduced speed. If we are lucky we will get to our new accommodations by around 1pm instead of noon. There are only a few of us on board and it is beginning to feel  like a Twilight Zone episode. So much for efficient European train travel.

Finally squeaked into London King's Cross Station at around 12:30. Found
our way to the tube station, jumped on the Circle Line to Tower Hill. We were deposited right in front of the Tower of London. Walked around what once was the moat to St. Katherine's Docks, a very scenic marina. Arrived at the meeting place to meet the agent to let us in the rental. There just so happened to be a street food fair going on, and since it was way past our lunch time, Geoff got some takeaway falafal wraps. 

David showed up and we were taken through a maze to our new home for the next week. This apartment is GREAT!!! We not only have a great view of the marina but you can also see the top of the Tower Bridge. It is bright and spacial with a nice little balcony on the marina side. David gave us all the instructions and finally left. We ate our lunch and made a grocery list. The way to the market is through this maze at the other end. It is not far but it took us a couple of shots to get it right. Stocked up with breakfast goodies and a dinner for tonight. We will be spending the evening in for a change.

Getting back was simple now that we have figured it all out. The first order of business was the wash. We have a washer/dryer here that is coming in very handy right now. Relaxing and trying to figure out what to see and the best way to see it. Any and all suggestions are welcome. 

Oh did I mention, it is still overcast and cold. Plus we just found out they shut the heat off here this month. They think it is summer, HA! The agent is bringing over a space heater but I think I am going to take it up with management just the same. They should have told us at least.

Anyway, time for some wine and relaxation. 

Next time... Taking the Tube

1 comment:

  1. Welcome to the English summer, the good weather is probably in Iceland. You're so lucky to live next door to a MAZE of food (my dream). Speaking of Twilight Zone, did you happen to see William Shatner outside the train window? Good news, the Red Sox won their 5th straight (after losing 10 in a row). See you in the Tube.
